Introducing Fairmont First

For almost 60 years, Fairmont Homes has helped thousands of South Australians get into their first home. Now with Fairmont First, we bring you a simpler, smarter and more affordable journey to new home ownership.
With Fairmont First, the building process has been simplified - it's now easier, and we're here to guide you through the whole process. Choose from one of our 28 new floorplans and we'll help get your finance sorted and find the perfect block of land. Customise your beautiful new home with our carefully selected colour schemes and great upgrades. Click here to see what makes Fairmont First different.
Together, let's get started. Why pay rent, when for a similar amount you could be paying off your mortgage! Find out more
Display home opening this weekend!
To celebrate the launch of our new initiative, Fairmont First, we are throwing a Grand Opening Party! Come down and visit our brand new Fairmont First display home at Vista, Seaford Heights.
There will be fun for the whole family with FREE coffee, FREE sausage sizzle and activities for the kids! PLUS, the Mix102.3 street team will be giving away some great prizes. Find the display here